Like healthy, tasty food that's good for the planet? So do we!

The majority of the world’s population already consumes insects on a regular basis, often as a staple food source in various cultures. Why is this practice so widespread? Because insects are packed with essential protein, a variety of vitamins, dietary fiber, and other important nutrients that can give any meal a significant and healthy boost.

So easy to add to your lifestyle.

Our cricket powder has a mild earthy and nutty taste that many people genuinely enjoy. When tasted alone, it’s surprisingly pleasant, offering a unique flavor experience that can be both intriguing and satisfying. This versatile powder can be easily added to a wide range of recipes, especially in dishes where its flavor blends harmoniously with other ingredients, allowing for creative cooking and experimentation in the kitchen. Be sure to check our recipe section for some tasty ideas or simply try adding it to your favorite dishes!

Simple Nutrition

Our cricket powder contains just one simple ingredient… crick, crick, you guessed it, crickets!!! Our crickets are carefully farmed right here at our facility in beautiful west Michigan. By raising our own crickets, we are able to ensure that their diet consists entirely of all-natural vegetables, allowing us to guarantee that the product you purchase is clean, wholesome, and free from any harmful chemicals.

Cricket powder to go!

Stop by our recipe page to get some ideas on how this increible ingredient can be used.

Why Crickets?!

Learn about our farm and some of the many benefits there are to eating crickets.

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